Club activities

One of the club activities is organizing or visiting military battle reenactments open to the public. The reenactments are usually organized at sites of actual battles, where events from those battles are theatrically recreated for visitors. Our club typically visits reenactments in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Poland. In World War II reenactments, we usually represent units of the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps (1. Československý armádny zbor) or the Soviet Red Army.

We regularly co-organize or participate in historical military events that are not open to the public and that do not accept visitors. These are usually living history events, or historical military maneuvers and training courses, in which several clubs take part. The goal of these events is to get a sense of the daily life and hardship of ordinary soldiers in active duty. In World War II events, we represent units of the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps (1. Československý armádny zbor), and in post-war events, the units of the Czechoslovak People's Army (Československá ľudová armáda).

To improve the skills and knowledge of our members, the club often organizes its own events. These events usually take the form of technical training or knowledge sharing about historical and military findings. Member-only events also include members' meetings and other free-time activities, such as visiting museum exhibitions and historical battlefields, and other outdoor activities.

Some club members engage in historical research by studying historical documents in various military and state archives, scholarly publications, and other historical sources. In some cases, the research is done by interviewing war veterans.

The research is mainly interested in: Czechoslovakian resistance in the East during World War II, activities of the Soviet Red Army in Czechoslovakia, the Air Force from the inter-war period to the 1960s, and the organization and operation of the Czechoslovak army and security units from 1945 to 1989.

In accordance with our main goals and interests, many of our members actively collect historical artifacts, military equipment, uniforms, and other materials. This activity is closely connected with our historical research, since many of the collected items can be used as a basis for research.

We organize or participate in public military expositions as part of different cultural events. At these events, we represent historical units, showcase military equipment and materials, and present our research findings and item collections. The units we typically represent are the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps (1. Československý armádny zbor), special air force and paratrooper units, and the Czechoslovak army after World War II.

We regularly participate in various memorial ceremonies and other anniversary events that commemorate historical military people and events. These events typically relate to the liberation of Czechoslovakia, to the history of the Slovak National Uprising, or to tragic war crimes. During the ceremony, our members, dressed in historical uniforms, perform a guard of honor, an honor salvo, or wreath laying, or function as a color guard for a historical military banner.

One of our favorite activities is hiking in historical uniforms and equipment. Our club often attends public hiking events that are dedicated to particular historical acts. We also organize our own hiking events. The hiking routes almost always pass through real historical battlefields or copy the movements of one of our represented military units.

We like to take part in historical projects that work to preserve the memory of World War II. Therefore, we like to cooperate with organizations and institutions with the same goal. One of the most important projects is the tourist guide Dukla 1944.